Mom is a little grumpy today, and my tricks I play aren't working as well as usual. For example, if in the middle of getting the bedding and things changed out she doesn't want to roll over to her other side (I roll her using the lift pad), and when I say:
"Now we are going to roll over toward the organ"She says:
"NO. I am not doing that."I say something like:
"Then let's roll toward the door instead." (same direction)And she is all happy that she is getting "her way" and says:
"Okay."When that kind of trickery works, then our morning goes smoothly, but today she really is not feeling well. She didn't want to get out of bed, but I wanted her to. Stephan is here today, and it is an opportunity for her to get moved about some. So, now that she has finally decided to get out of bed, I coaxed the "smile" you see on her face.
She is watching a documentary about the States of the United States on Netflix, and the narrator was talking about an Englishman whose last name is "Gorgeous," and I said to mom;
"Did you hear what his last name is? It's Gorgeous," and she smiled a little. Then I said:
"I'm going to change my name to 'Laura Gorgeous'," and that got the look you see above.You all know the look she's giving even though I only caught a small glimpse of it with the camera.
(EDIT - Oh, and I should add that I think we should get a small pad that has air pressure changes, like the large pad she has on her bed, but I can't find one. I've looked on Amazon. If any of you know a place to get smaller one for the recliner, let me know.)
I've never heard that last name before! I'm glad it made grandma smile! :)