Tuesday, August 25, 2015

sorry I've been off a couple days :-)

I've been distracted for a couple days, but here's a couple pics.  First today's:

Me:  "Can you give me a smile?"
Mom:  "I can as soon as I get a hold of this thing" 
(That is the washcloth to get the banana bits out
from underneath her fingernails :-)  )

And then, yesterday/weekend's pic.  (I went to Ikea and I got a little bed table for her. We need to shorten it some for it to work, but she likes it - even the way it is.  I took this picture earlier this morning so I could give y'all an idea about the bed table.)


  1. Looks like it will work ok .. maybe I should get one for me.. Then I could just work from bed. :)

  2. This is your anonymous sister using her daughters account, because I'm too lazy to go on our computer and try and find my social media login. anyway, I would love to work from my bed too, but all the little feet around here expect me to get up so I don't have that luxury. :-) Really I just don't think I could stand being in bed all day. I've been in bed rest and it's awful!

  3. I like the color of the bed table, it's pretty!

  4. I don't think I could work from bed either but I do work from the tub almost every morning. I think I sent a picture of the table I built for that to you a while back. :)

  5. They're cheap. Only eight dollars for a bed table. Good values over at Ikea :-)
