I haven't been giving a lot of text to these pictures, but I think it's really important to share this. I posted it on Facebook a couple of minutes ago (the text, not Mommy's picture) and I really think it's important to think about Taurine! It might be a really helpful organic acid. And, it can't hurt.
Taurine. Think about taking taurine, people! There are a thousand billion things that might cause or contribute to Alzeheimer's, and one of these things is a heat de-activated organic acid that humans used to get a LOT, LOT, LOT of in traditional diets. Taurine is in raw-milk, raw-eggs, rare meat and so on . . . We don't get much of it anymore. I've been supplementing Mom's diet with taurine for about a month now, and I swear to God there is a difference in her cognition! Now, of course, I don't have any crazy-hopeful thoughts that this will give her back her memory (Alzheimer's has stolen her mind and there is no getting that back now - it's too late. Mom's doctor puts her in stage 7. There has been a lot of damage to her brain.) However, taurine might be making a big difference in her day to day life. I noticed it about two weeks ago, after she'd been on it a couple weeks, but I thought I might be imagining it. (Not that unlikely - hopeful hearts give people false positives.) Then, Stephan started remarking on it soon after. He's more objective than I, and he is positive she's more "with it". Amanda has noticed and mentioned it as well. And, just a few minutes ago, one of Amanda's friends who is over here for a visit also mentioned that Mom seems to be a lot more with it. That's an unsolicited, outside of the family, observation! That's a confirmation to me. Taurine. Try it. It might be an important part of a regime to let you keep your memories inside your heart for all your life!
I'm convinced to, with what you said mom's doing now that the taurine or something is definitely helping her. She's doing things that she had stopped doing before she left here over a year ago. For me, I had some "farm" fresh eggs for breakfast, a little on the runny side. :-)