Wednesday, December 21, 2016

She's really not easy to distract from the iphone as soon as I'm holding it up like a camera. (Even when I try and use stealth - lol)

So, I say: "Mommy, you look so sad. Are you sad?"
She says: "Noooo."
Then I say: "Are you happy?"
She says: "Yes."
Then I say: "Can you smile for the camera."
She says: "I'll try."
And the above expression is the best I get out of her.

It's really early in the morning.  It's too early even for birds, but Mommy and I are awake. I laid her back down and now she's watching pretty scenes on her TV while we wait for the sun to come up. I don't take too many pictures of her lying on her side, but she does get turned on her side from time to time, and here is a pic to prove it.

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