Sunday, November 23, 2014

Happy Sunday!

This morning, Amanda stayed with Mom while Stephan, David, and I went to church.  Amanda gave Mommy her vitamin and her mashed banana.  Then she read Mommy the story of Ruth, and they listened to hymns together.

When we got home, we had a late breakfast together at the kitchen table, and Mommy really seemed to love the interaction while we were all joking around as Amanda and David were thinking of "fun facts" that they thought nobody else would know.  It was actually a lot of fun, and if I can remember any of it, I'll have learned a lot.  For instance I did not know that an earthquake once made the Mississippi run backwards. 

We had Yorkshire pudding.  I made it with whole wheat flour instead of white flour, and I more than halved the oil, and yet - with changes that I thought would detract from the taste - it was the best I've ever made. 
Recipe (included for those very few of you who can have carbs and gluten):
1 Tablespoon butter
1 Tablespoon oil
2 cups whole wheat flour
4 eggs
2 cups milk
1 teaspoon salt
Melt oil and butter in the oven in a 9 by 13 inch pan.
Mix all other ingredients into batter and pour into the pan in the oven.
Bake at 350 for about a half an hour.
Slice and serve with syrup or just butter or with grated cheese.  Delicious.
For dessert we had some homemade Greek yogurt mixed with brown sugar and vanilla.  This Greek yogurt did not strain for whey [sic - lol] too long, and it was just delicious.

After this, I worked on finally starting my cottage cheese - being stuck at home almost all the time has really transformed kitchen habits for this family.  There's also more split pea soup bubbling on the stove.

Then, as we were all either working or sitting around in the kitchen, Mommy looked at her mail file for a while until she wanted to go somewhere which we interpreted correctly as the commode.  Smart move on our part.

After that, now, she has been spending some time in her recliner.  She is reading "Little House on the Prairie" in the picture above.  She's holding her juice with iron supplement, and sipping it while she reads.  She hasn't been able to figure out the straw for a few days.  I might stop trying to have her use it since it is so frustrating for her.  If she spills the glass, I have this amazing new dryer to help me keep up on the wash.

Edit:  You can see the phone that Brian suggested we get for Mommy on the tray on the table. It works great with Amanda's, Stephan's, and David's cell phones, but I have to upgrade to a smart phone or get an adapter for it to work with mine.  As soon as that's done, Mommy will be able to talk on that kind of phone - like she remembers using most of her life - all the time :-)


  1. Glad to see the update cause it lets me know all is well! Yeah she had to go somewhere many times while she was here and it meant the same thing. :)

  2. lol !!! I bet that somewhere in the back of my mind, I remembered you telling me that and it saved us all some troubles today.

    She's really tired tonight- already wanted to go to bed. Amanda and I tucked her in about ten minutes ago. I wonder if it's because we took her out to the kitchen at lunchtime instead of dinner time? Maybe? I read her several chapters of Little House on the Prairie today off and on, and she read some herself, and Stephan spent some time in her room taking the castors off the bed and putting the feet from the old bed on - because the castors made the bed too tall for her to reach the floor. Maybe all the extra excitement and the change in schedule was too much to deal with at one time or maybe sometimes she just likes to go to bed a little earlier and it made for an early night :-)

  3. *too tall for her to reach the floor when she was sitting on the edge of the bed (and then she can't stand up to the walker).

  4. I knew what you meant about the bed height but someone else may have needed an explanation. :) Yeah sometimes she would be exhausted here too and just want to go to bed early. We had been getting her to bed earlier because with Al leaving for work earlier and earlier I needed to get to bed and get some rest and I could not do that when mom was up. She usually would not give me a hard time especially when I said she need to elevate her legs and she could read after she was in bed. Then Chelle (who does not usually have to get up as early as me) would shut off her light for me later. What I am impressed by is how the family all pulls together to take care of mom. All of us, even hundreds of miles apart, and then our individual families working together as well. Like right now you, Stephan, David, and Amanda all do things to help mom and I think that is really nice. Thank you all for being such a wonderful family (I mean all of us too, Pete, Mary, Mark, Marjie and all their families too)! I love you all!

  5. I wanted to add I was not meaning to leave Hannah and Samuel out, I know they do things too, they just are not there personally and that is why I did not mention them. Sorry about that (Aunt Jeanie is kicking herself).
