Monday, November 17, 2014

So far so good!

Today is - so far - knock on computer keyboard - going pretty well.

This is in contrast to yesterday which was the worst day yet, and about which I'm not writing about right now.  I have to recover first.

I waited until 9 AM to go in and see if she was awake, because I think that uninterrupted sleep is nice for just about everyone, and she wakes up when I come in and she is asleep no matter how quiet I try to be.  When I've gone in at both 8:00 and 8:30, she's been sleeping before so I tried 9:00 today.

She was awake at 9:00, so I brought her some vitamin pill in a little Gerber applesauce fruit mix, and then gave her some applesauce without the vitamin to wash it down.  I fed her these while she was still in bed.

Then, I helped her sit up, and using the transfer belt that Pete bought, I moved her over to the commode.  She gets very stressed when we are pivoting from one place to another and she grabs onto things - like commode arms so that suddenly the commode is moving with us and there is no place for her to sit.  She struggled quite a bit this morning, and I had forgotten to put my corset on (for back stabilization before I move her), so I threw my back out, but the magic of the corset is that as soon as I got it on, the pain stopped, and I should be right as rain if I just remember to put it on every time.  Moving her with her transfer belt on and my corset on is just about effortless and safe for everyone.

She LOVED Request Time!  She asked me, "Why don't they have any of our friends on here?" and I told her, "They might yet! Let's listen and see."

After she finished the cranberry juice in the cup in the picture, I gave her the big sippy-straw cup that Jeanie had for her, and she remembered how to use the straw  without much coaching.

She's dozing now in the chair.  She drank about 1/4 of the large straw cup full of cranberry juice mixed with water, but she only ate - as far as I can tell - the bites of oatmeal that I fed her.  When she wakes up, I'll feed her the rest.  She isn't eating very well by herself anymore. That is, she eats very well when we are all at the table and eating together, but not if I just leave the food with her.

I've decided that today we'll just move from chair to commode to chair every few hours.  Since I'm getting a dryer!!!  (THANK YOU PETE)  I don't mind just changing out pads on the chair, and I think that it will be much less trauma for her to move back and forth than to be changed.  Plus, it will be good exercise for her.

Right now, I put some praise music on for her to sleep to.  I have to attack the rest of the house with my house-cleaning powers. (If I have any!)   Yesterday at church one of the Bible readings was Proverbs 31.  Seriously.  Why?  When my house is falling to chaos around me, that is when I get to listen to that. Hurt much. Can't that be the reading, instead, when I've got all the dishes done and the floors polished?


  1. I would be surprised if anyone reading this has a perfectly clean home, you are doing fine!

  2. Oh yeah and yay for mom being in a better mood today, I had days that were bad and good here too. Happy she is happier for you!

  3. ACTually... MY home is perfectly clean EVERYWHERE! (Well, you know, except the places it's not...)
