Saturday, November 15, 2014

We're getting it together!

This morning Mommy had her mashed banana with vitamin, and then her regular mashed banana, and then her oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar.

After that we got washed up.  She didn't want to put on the clothes I picked out so instead she wore the pretty lacy nightgown that Jeanie sent up with her.  It is pretty, and I think that a nightgown is just as nice to wear as a skirt, blouse, and sweater. Why not? It seemed to please her to pick her own clothes.

After she was all washed and dressed, sometime after 11 AM. she spent some time reading over a magazine and sitting in the recliner.

She dozed off and one, and it was late when she was ready for lunch.  I asked her a few times when she'd wake up as I came in and our it she wanted her lunch yet, and she said that she didn't.  Then around 3:00 she said that "maybe that'd be a good idea."  I took that as a yes.

I made her mashed potatoes with chicken (baby food) gravy.  I cut a yellow cherry tomato up in teeny slices and laid that beside.  Then, for desert, I gave her yogurt with brown sugar and vanilla in it.  I called it pudding.

She ate the tomato slices first - with her spoon - with a great deal of enjoyment.  That surprised me because I thought she would have trouble chewing them, but she had no trouble at all.  She still loves tomatoes.  :-)

Then she ate all the chicken gravy baby food.  That surprised me too as I thought it tasted pretty nasty.  I guess I was wrong.  :-)

Now, she's working on the potatoes.

The "pudding" which she's had just about every day and has loved so far every time is still waiting untouched.

She doesn't like the ugly pictures on her paper towel napkin.  She keeps saying something is wrong with it.  I'm not sure what, but I'll buy some different ones next time I shop.

It's been a good day so far.  


  1. Really enjoying reading these. I am gonna send a link to our children too cause I think they would enjoy them too!

  2. I'm glad you're having success. :-) I wonder if Grandma would like some napkins/paper towels with old-timey sort of pictures on them?

    1. I like your profile picture Brian. I think I remember taking that picture. :)

  3. I remember when you took the pic. It was on Easter I think.
