Saturday, January 3, 2015


See me trying out the walker in the parking lot :-)

Stephan Peters, THE most amazing second hand shop shopper, found this today for the bargain price of $4.99!  WOWZA! We'd adjusted Mom's walker as low as it could go, and it was still a few inches too tall.  Both her occupational therapist and her physical therapist have been checking to see if insurance would cover a shorter one, and this one is perfect.  No need to bother with begging Medicare anymore.  It is the exact same brand she had already, but it is little enough for the little person she has become.  In fact, it has to be adjusted up!  How cool is that?  I think it's pretty cool.

You can see that it is almost at my hip level - almost adjusted right for me in this picture.  Mom's hips are still higher than mine from the floor up because most of the shrinking she's dealing with is in her spine. Mom used to be about five feet tall, and she stood just a little bit taller than my four foot ten, but now she's about three or four inches shorter than I am.

Stephan moved the wheels from the front of the old walker onto the new after we got home, and she's already gone for a trial walk.

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