Tuesday, January 27, 2015

quick happy post

She had such a good day today!  And, I started the day out by oversleeping.

I wonder if those few extra hours of uninterrupted sleep were just what she needed?

At any rate, she had a really good day.

She ate her homemade applesauce, her freshly ground Irish oatmeal, and drank her Boost.  She had a great Facetime conversation with Pete.  She read "Countryside" magazine (a gift from her sister Bonnie) in bed, and then a little later she walked 28 inches from the commode to her recliner.  She relaxed in the recliner.  First she read some of Charlotte's Web.  Then, she looked at Victoria magazine.  She had grilled cheese and scrambled eggs.  She had a relaxing evening with Stephan and me both sitting in there with her.  Then, she said she was ready to go to bed, and I helped her to bed. Then, I left her in there, listening to Little House in the Big Woods on the IPhone Pete sent her.

(I forgot to play the video Jeanie sent, but now I've got in reserve for tomorrow.)

Anyway, life was really good today.


  1. Yay! Praying today will be even better!

  2. Just some tips for grandma's phone camera. The camera might be dirty. Also it might have been focusing. My iPhone's camera likes to refocus a lot. :)

  3. Chelle's right. I had lots of problems with dirty lens on those iPhone 4's. Clean the lens with a q-tip and you might be amazed. :)
