Thursday, January 15, 2015


Well, I decided that she just might be in a funk and that a change of scene might bring her out of it, and so I turned the oven on with the door open in the kitchen, and moved the oil heater from the bathroom to make the kitchen as toasty warm as her bedroom - just in case she might be a little under the weather - and I wheeled her out to the kitchen for dinner.  (I did this after calling my prayer sisters and asking them to pray that if she's sick, I figure it out and not make her sicker . . . But, the evening went smoothly - I don't think she's sick.)

She had a wonderful dinner with David, and Stephan, and me (Amanda is at a dance lesson).  She wasn't interested in the meat or in the baked beans with cheese.  But, she ate plenty of the pea salad, and some Greek yogurt, and a cracker with salmon cream cheese (she only wanted one of those).  She also had another glass of water/cranberry juice and a fig newton.   After that she said that she couldn't eat any more, and that she'd had enough, but she still listened to all the conversation and laughed at Stephan's jokes he makes for her.

Example of Stephan's jokes that are special-made-for-mom:
He had a box of some kind of "human skull cupcake mix" in the cupboard from Halloween that was labeled something like "brains" or something like that, and he got that box out, and asked Mom why nobody wanted to eat them when he bought them special for us to eat.  She thought that was really funny.

After dinner, the kitchen started to cool down a little, (I'd turned off the oven just after I wheeled Mom in), and Mom said that maybe there was someplace else she could go.  So, I said, "I'll take you to all the places you can go, and then you pick where you want to be."  First I pointed to the bathroom, and I said, "That's the bathroom.  Do you want to go in there?"  And, she said, "NO!" with decision.  So, I wheeled her into the living room, and she said, "Whew! It's cold in here!"  And, I agreed.  Although, before Mom came to live with us the temperature in the living room was about as warm as our house ever got.  (We've got the thermostat set at 70', and it runs about 5' off, so the temp in there is probably about 65').  Then, we opened the door to her bedroom, and wheeled in there, and she said, "It's nice and warm in here," in a very happy voice.  And, I agree.  Stephan and I are sitting in here with her - enjoying the warm.  He's listening to his audio book with earbuds in, and I'm typing this blog up, and Mom's watching The Gospel of John  with deep interest. She's still sitting up in the wheelchair.

Mom's room is nice and cozy, and we're having a lovely evening in here with her.  I'm really glad that we took her "out" to dinner.



  1. Yay! So glad she was in a better mood. Hopefully you are resting now and I am in bed and Getting up and putting the phone away now. Good night all!

  2. I like the kind of jokes Uncle Stephen makes for grandma!
