Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Sunrise

Today was a beautiful warm and sunny Easter Sunday, and as I was getting things around this morning, while it was still chilly, before the sun rose, I remembered all the times we went to Easter sunrise services with Mommy.  That took my mind back to all the times that Mommy woke me up early in the morning and carried me to the window (or outside) to watch the sun come up. Mommy loved to watch the sun rise!

That baby (me, pictured above) has a lot of sunrises to look forward to on her first Easter morning!

For the last hour or so I've been looking through pictures to try to find a picture of the sun rising at Shady Lane, and I couldn't find one.  Next time one of us is there in the early morning, we should get a picture of the sun rising.  Maybe Pete can do that this summer.

Do any of you have a picture of the sun rising back home?  If so, I'd love to have it.

Mommy LOVED her Easter basket which was full of Little Debbie treats!  She also got a box of Girl Scout Thin Mints (from Amanda).  It's been a lovely day, and we are going to watch "Easter Parade" with Judy Garland in a few minutes.


  1. I have one but who knows where! ;) I'll email it to you when I come across it!

  2. I'm glad yesterday was so nice. You look like your not sure about what's going on in the picture. ;) I hope someone can find/get a pic of the sunrising at shady lane. I remember whaling the sun rise with grandma a couple times when I was little. :)

  3. Oops!!! I didn't whale the sunrise! I watched the sunrise!!! lol

  4. Chelle :-) I am SO GLAD that you got to enjoy the sunrise with Grandma :-) It makes my night to read that you did.

    Jeanie - I can't wait 'til you find it, but in the meantime - I can still picture it in my mind's eye :-)
