Friday, April 3, 2015

Home again, home again

The walls were the most unusual shades in this Quest Lab, and Mommy and I liked them very much.  This room is one example.  I wish I had taken a picture in the eye-blinding, lime green lobby, but we weren't there long enough.  I don't think the entire walk-in "appointment" took more than ten minutes.  I guess that I can't complain about that even if it did mean that I didn't get a chance to get a picture of the walls.  :-)

In the pic above, Mom had just said, "You're kidding me!" when I told her I was going to take her picture.  She's less interested in having her picture taken than I am in taking it. lol.


  1. Poor grandma! She looks like she doesn't want to have her picture taken! ;) It is probably good that it didn't take long for the "appointment". :) I know when grandma lived here she didn't like to be out much. :)

  2. :) love the walls!! Love you and mom too!!
