Monday, April 6, 2015

Well, I tried.

Mom - not very interested in sorting coins . . . 

I think Mommy might have a touch of spring fever.  :-)  The weather was so warm and breezy that I opened the door from her room onto the porch today (as well as all the windows in the house!)  But, after that warm breeze started blowing all around her, Mommy wasn't interested in the television.  She wasn't even interested much or for long in reading Little House in the Big Woods.  She wasn't interested in looking at her stacks of pictures or her mail.  I tried some new things (see the coin sorting I thought she might like in above pic . . . ) But, nothing caught her fancy.

I think somewhere in the deep of her soul she wanted to get up and go and pick some branches of dogwood or some pussy-willow.  Do you remember the armfuls of dogwood branches with buds on them and pussy-willow, just blooming, that Mommy would bring into the house every spring?  I remember.  Maybe somewhere deep inside she does too?


  1. We have dogwood blossoming here right now. When I saw it I thought of mom (every year I do). Chelle got some for grandmas room while she was here. :) yep we remember!!

  2. I should dry some dogwood and send it to you!

  3. :-) Oh, Chelle, that's so sweet. I miss dogwood. I don't think I've seen any growing anywhere around here.
