Saturday, July 4, 2015

More dolls and birds

The birds have found the suet feeder now.

Mom had a busy day today.  She got a call from her sister, Bonnie, and in honor of the Fourth of July, she's been watching Ken Burn's documentary "National Parks."

Aunt Bonnie has sent us a story about her life to read, and Mommy and I are probably going to read it together tomorrow.  I was going to read it today, but the fellows are here and underfoot and so we'll wait for tomorrow.

Mom's gotten a little sick of the dolls.  She was complaining to me that they never say a word.  So, I took them off the bed.  (She was fussing at them.)

Here is a pic of her earlier today just before she got frustrated at the dolls.

Hope you've all had a wonderful Fourth!


  1. Sounds like grandma wants some little children company. :)

  2. Did you hear about the nursing home that has a daycare in it? I think that's a wonderful idea, and I'm so glad that Mom got to spend so much time with small children for so long. :-) I think some little children company is the best medicine for the elderly.
