Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Merry Christmas! (Very Late)

Most of you already know that we had a terrible illness here at this house all through the week of Christmas, and most of you also know that it's taking me a long time to recover. I'm still sleeping a lot and feel pretty weak - even today I'm napping a lot.

PRAISE be to GOD and thanks to some good advice right at the start of this horror from Pete, (get masks and gloves - which we did within an hour of the phone call where he told us to do it), Mom was spared the bug.  The rest of us all got it.  First Amanda came home from work on Friday with it. (It was going around at her work.)  She was so violently ill that we spent late Friday night into Saturday morning at the emergency room.  Then Sunday night David and I started to show symptoms.  I even had hallucinations from the dehydration.  It was the first time in my life that I'd ever hallucinated.  Stephan didn't show symptoms until Monday, and he only was sick for two days - the least hit of all of us.  I think I might have been the hardest hit, and I am still not back to my old self yet.  David and I were both still pretty sick even until Christmas Day (we couldn't safely go to Church on Christmas Eve so Stephan and Amanda went to Saint Paul's together - I'm really sad about missing that - it is my favorite service of the whole year).

I did take a video on Christmas morning. You can click here to see the link to the video (fixed link).

(edit to add) Near the end of the video, Mommy identifies the people in the ornament as "Mom and Dad" which is AMAZING.  It's very unusual for her to call to mind identifying words like that when she is trying to think of what something is.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Oh! This was like the best puppet moment with Mom ever!

This is a blurry, cell-phone video, but it is so adorable, I'm sharing it anyway. After we did our tree-decoration exercises today, I put a few dolls (including this puppet) on the box for Mommy to reach for, and when she picked up the puppet she said, "Something's supposed to go in here," and so I knew that she had a memory of how to use a puppet.

After we got it adjusted on her hand, she really got going with it.  <3

Here's a little of the wonder I got to enjoy with this puppet and Mommy.

Mail Time and Alisha Time

Today, Mommy got some mail.  She got a Christmas card from her sister, Bonnie, and she got a letter from my daughter, Hannah.

Click here to see the recording :-)


And, yesterday, Mommy watched a video of Alisha that we captured.

Click here to that :-)

Thursday, December 18, 2014


No time to write a post, but I've uploaded our miracle video.


Click here to see the miracle.

(And, this is actually the third time she made that trip across the living room this morning. That, when she hadn't done more than a few shuffle steps and few feet the whole time she's been here until today!)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Home again, home again, jiggidy jig (+ breakfast video link)

Jeanie has been especially faithful about praying that Mommy will feel as though she's at home here at my house.  I am so thankful for her prayers.  For the last few months, Mommy has been wanting her own parents to come and get her and to take her back to Herrickville.

Mommy was fixated on this when Marjie and I went down to visit a few months ago.  Mommy told me that when she gets back home to Herrickville, her mother is going to fix her hair.

One of the therapists mentioned to me that this is a common dream for Alzeheimer's patients. A dream that their mother will come and fix their hair.

One of my friends (I still have to email her back!) has offered to help me and she is a hairdresser, so maybe we can make Mommy's dream come true in a little bit of a way.  Although neither my friend nor I look anything like Grandma O'Connor ;-)  And, I doubt we could make Mommy's hair look as she is envisioning it in her imagination.

At any rate, back to the feeling that she is home.  Yesterday, the PT came for a visit and this conversation ensued:

Physical Therapist to Mom:  "Have you lived in Pittsburgh your whole life?"
Mom: "Yes."
PT to Mom: "Have you lived in this house your whole life?"
Mom: "Yes."  Then she turns to me, "I have, haven't I?"
Me: "You've lived in Pennsylvania most of your life."
Mom to PT:  "I've always lived here."
Me to PT: "Always is about a month long."

This is not only adorable, it is a direct answer to prayer. Praise God and thank you, Jeanie, for your faithfulness in prayer.

I've also taken another video.  I was going to post this yesterday, but the PT fussed at me a little for feeding Mom as Mommy needs to do as much as she can for herself.  So, I thought, I shouldn't post that I was doing too much for Mom.  But, if I worry about posting possible mistakes, I'll never upload a video.  Also, I look hideous in this one.  I know you're not hitting the play button to look at me, but I still have my pride to consider.  But, again, if I worry about posting only videos where I look good, I'll never upload anything.  (I really thought about retaking the whole Mommy opening the gift from Aunt Bonnie because I looked so bad.  Nobody would know because if I waited a day, Mommy would not remember the gift and it would be brand new again for her :-)  )  However, this isn't about me.  And, I'm never going to look like I want to look on camera.

So, enough said.  Here is a link to see a typical breakfast time.  (And, this morning I fed her again.  Morning time is a little rushed around here.  A lady was coming to bathe Mommy at ten so we needed to get the oatmeal bowl empty and pot filled if possible before ten o'clock.  I'm doing the best I can, and tomorrow, I will try to have her feed herself while I read and we'll see what happens).

Monday, December 15, 2014

Package from Aunt Bonnie

I did another video today for you all.  Videos work better because then you can see her expressions.  Anything except for the almost constant stoic expression is really hard for me to catch with camera.

And, this has been a really hectic day.  I knew this morning that we were going to be getting a visit from the nurse, but then around 10:00 this morning, a social worker called and asked if she could drop by.  "Yes, of course," I said, and so she came and she was just about one of the nicest people I've ever met.  She gave me a lot of tips about how to access ways to help care for mom.  Like wheelchair compatible transportation and so on.  She also said that the reason that PA is so wonderful when it comes to helping care for the elderly is our Lottery.  She said that PA is the only state in the Union where all the profits from the lottery help the elderly.  Of course, I remembered Daddy buying all those lottery tickets for all those years.  So, in a round about way, he helped provide all these wonderful services for Mommy.

Anyway, while the social worker was here, an occupational therapist called and asked if he could also stop by today, and, of course, I was really excited to have more help.

That meant that Mommy (and I) got a short nap between the nurse's visit (after the social worker left) and the visit from the occupational therapist.

But, all those visits took their toll on me as I am worn out and have no energy for a long blog post telling all that the three visitors helped with and gave hints about.

So, to end this post, here is a video of her unwrapping a package from Aunt Bonnie.

Click here to see it :-)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas Tree Exercises

The physical therapist wanted her to practice reaching for things, and so we decorated the tree some today for exercising.

I made you all a video of it.  I thought you might like to see how Mommy is doing and how I am tricking her into doing her exercising.  I'm pretty proud of me - plus, as David noted, "We're getting the tree decorated too."

Click here to see it :-)

Saturday, December 13, 2014

And, to make the showers easier in the future

Merry Christmas, Mommy!


She loved the shower.  Thank you so much, Chelle, for getting us moving again on that! And, thank you Jeanie, for calling me and telling me what Chelle suggested.

While she was in the shower, Mommy kept moving her hand into the stream of the water while I moved the shower wand over her, and she was watching the water fall over her hand as if it were magic.  I was able to get her really, really clean, and I think that it was the best thing that happened to her in a long time.  (Maybe even better than a Little House  read aloud marathon.)

After her shower, David did the physical therapy wheelchair exercises with her.  He was so patient and good and she really worked for him.  (For me, she refuses to do even the easy things.)

All in all, this was a good day :-)  <3

Friday, December 12, 2014


She is in such a good mood tonight.  Thanks to the physical therapy, she is already so much more mobile, and I think that it is giving her confidence a real boost.

She just watched an adorable rom-com with David and me, and is resting in bed for a few hours now.

Her iphone came (Thanks, Pete!) and she got to see using a facetoface talk app, Jeanie (and kids) and Pete.  She LOVED it!

Chelle had an amazing idea about how to get the shower happening - which I will put in practice tomorrow evening when both men are available to help me if I need help.  (I was going to do it tonight, but Mommy is so tired from all the exertion and so am I.  It's been a long day.)

All in all - life is very good right now, and I think that it is all the prayers (and positive thoughts) that people put in for us.  Thank you all.

Before and After/Mom and Me

Not much time this morning as the physical therapist will be here at 1:00 - in just over an hour from when I'm typing this.

But, I'm so behind I wanted to take a quick minute to let you all know what's the nurse and other physical therapist visit were like.

The nurse evaluated Mom and asked her only a couple questions, I think that the "What month is this?" question that he asked while standing in front of the Christmas tree was pretty telling.  She thought and thought while she looked at him (standing right in front of the Christmas tree), and he repeated the question a few times, and then she said, "Well, I guess I don't know."  I think that the tree could have given her a hint once upon a time when her brain was working like it used to.  Lol.

He told me that he's recommending to the doctor that we schedule nurse visits a few times a week, but it will be the doctor who makes the final call on that.  He also checked the soft spot on her backside that I've been concerned about and confirmed that it is the start of a bed sore and I MUST make her get up and roll her over and not let her sleep and/or stay in one spot for hours and hours as I've been letting her.

I cringed to hear that because as you all know, I am very softhearted and very sensitive and the idea of making Mommy do things that she doesn't want to do terrifies me.  But, the idea of dealing with a full-fledged bedsore is slightly more terrifying.

The result of that is that Mom is getting moved every few hours whether she likes it or not, and she does NOT like it.

Yesterday, she explained to me that she doesn't love me anymore.  :-(

So, here are my before and after pictures.


Don't worry :-)  I am feeling better today, but I don't have a "today" picture.

The physical therapist gave me additional things to do with mom, adding to what the nurse already outlined, and explained that if she isn't walking herself - using the walker - in six weeks, the physical therapy will end.  So, we got to do what they say, Mommy, and that is that.   And, I have been doing everything even though Mom does not like (see above pic of me crying and being a baby because she hurt my feelings).

However, I think it is worth it because look at HER after picture - even if she is looking a little grumpy.  After only two days of doing what the nurse and physical therapist said, we have this:

She's watching "You've Got Mail" for the fourth in as many days :-)

And, here's another shot:

There is certainly a marked improvement, and I hope it shows in the photos as well as I can see it in person.

She looks as good supporting herself as she did when she had the extra support of the corset!  So, must get off here to get ready for the physical therapist, . .  Time is not my friend . . . But, hope this gives ya'll an idea of where we are and, as always, your prayers are really appreciated.  

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Home Visits (and music box magic)

I've been really depressed over the last few days as I've not had any idea what I should be doing with Mommy and what I shouldn't be doing.

I remember, years ago, telling God that if He would just plainly tell me what I should do, I would do that thing.  This is when Stephan and I had just realized that Stephan would never pass his oral exams at Baptist Bible College if he didn't believe at the time of those exams- if I remember correctly - that sign gifts stopped at the end of the second century and that the rapture would for sure, no other possibility occur before a seven year tribulation.  For both these things, we felt the proof-texting and required extra Biblical supports made for a very uncertain certainty, and we could NOT say we believed those things. We could only say that we thought that they were possibilities among other likely possibilities.

At that time, our whole life was in flux, and we didn't know what God wanted from us, and we were both just wanting to do what was right, to be good, but how to "be good" wasn't clear-cut and simple.  Instead, it was all complex and confusing, and it involved making decisions without actually being positive which path was the right one.  We were like the man in the Lady or the Tiger only we didn't have the confidence to "turn with firm and rapid step" when we chose which doors to open in our lives, we always walked instead with faltering steps and many missteps and opened a lot of the wrong doors.

Through all this, I often thought to myself, if I just had clear instructions, I would do what I needed to do.  I would be obedient.  I would do whatever I was supposed to do.

That's the same way I felt about caring for Mommy.  If I just had a checklist and knew exactly what I was supposed to do, I thought, I would do that thing.

Yesterday as I sat in Mommy's room while she slept and used a flashlight to read my prayerbook and to pray my prayers and brought these concerns before God, my prayer was answered.

The phone rang, and the home visits that the Doctor ordered for Mommy were about to begin.

The nurse on the phone asked if he could stop by in about thirty-five minutes.  "YES," I said, "OH YES, come right away."  And, he did.  He is a nurse, and he knew what to do, and I got my checklists and a few hours later a physical therapist came who did all kinds of exercises and gave me all kinds of tips and who had even more details about how to help Mommy.

We're going to be okay.  We've got some direction.

And, we've also discovered that Mommy loves our Christmas music box.  This was a gift from Stephan's mom several years ago, and I play it a lot over the holidays.  This year, I am already - after only one day of use - playing it more than ever.

I've posted the video on youtube (for that click here) as well so that those of you whose browsers won't play videos on this blog can enjoy this as well.

posts I didn't write

I didn't write the posts over the last few days about moaning and grumping that one of Mom's legs was all swollen up (I think because I was lying her flat at night to guard against contractures), and I didn't write about that I thought that there looked like there might be a soft spot starting on her backside that could turn into a full-fledged bedsore (again probably because I was laying her flat at night to guard against contractures).

I also didn't write the posts over the last few days where she flat refused to get out of bed and was generally grumpy and upset.  I didn't write about how Jeanie was right and that the glow would wear off, and Mommy would become used to me and then she wouldn't do what I asked so easily.

Somehow, Mommy knows - somewhere deep down - who the person is who is caring for her on a daily basis and she behaves WAY, way, WAY, better for others.  Jeanie, of course, noted this - you can't help but note it if you are the person who she lets herself be grumpy at and you are not the person who she is on her best behavior for.  And, like the amazing and kind sister that she is, Jeanie warned me about it.  And, I took her warning to heart.  However, believing something will happen and experiencing it are two different things, and my heart has broken as Mommy has become more comfortable with me and so fusses at me more when I try to help her.

If I get fussed at, I cry.  As I've told you all before, I've got to grow up, a 47 year old woman can't burst into tears because somebody tells her she is doing it all wrong or that she is driving them crazy.  You've got to grow up sometime, and my time must be now.

In addition to all that, I didn't write that I had some kind of bug that gave me an earache and made me sleepy, and I wasn't in the best spirits myself.

Nobody really wants to write about the failures and the discouragements, at least I don't.  But, I suppose that I should get used to it because there is going to be a lot of discouragement as this horrible disease steals more and more of our mother from us.

However, as I'm about to write, not everything over the last few days was bad.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Letter writing

Since Mommy likes getting letters so much, I thought she might like to send one.  The above pic is us working on that.

Yesterday, I finally made the applesauce recipe that Aunt Bonnie shared with me, and Mom LOVED it.  (So do I, in fact.  It is perfection.)  The four apples made enough for three morning breakfasts for mom (at about 130 grams each serving) as well as some for me to sneak on the side.  She had good, homemade applesauce yesterday instead of Gerber food (which is good too, but . . . )  She had the good stuff again today, and there is 135 grams in the fridge for tomorrow.

I was going to call Aunt Bonnie to tell her that it turned out wonderful and that Mommy loves it, but then I thought that it might be a good occasion to write a letter with Mommy.  She dictated the part where she says:  "I thought it was delicious," and she really meant it when she said it.  I'm seeing if she'll be able to sign her name to the card.  She probably won't.  I've given her a couple pens to try so far, but about them she said: "I just know that he won't be able to use them."  She's reverted to quite often referring to almost everyone with the pronoun "he" - even herself.

So, I switched to crayons as I think that the memories for using crayons are deeper in a person's life experience, but she doesn't seem very interested.  (Maybe I might make a copy of the above photo and enclose it so that Aunt Bonnie will see how much Mommy loved the picture on the card.)

Here is the picture on the card.

The doodlings are all mine.  I was trying to prime the pump, but I think the well might be dry this morning.

Yesterday the doctor said I could give Mom up to 3000 mg of Tylenol per day, so I ground up 1,000 mg with her vitamins in a few spoons of that applesauce this morning.  I'm hoping that in a few minutes she'll be able to be moved out of bed without having so much pain.  (She didn't wake up until 9:30 -I was up reading aloud to her until after 1:00 AM last night, and she was still wide awake when I turned out the light - so getting out of bed by 11:30 seems an appropriate goal. I'll let you know if we meet it.)

Friday, December 5, 2014

"horrible no good very bad day" - that was yesterday, but today has been quite good

Yesterday, Mommy had a really bad day.  At one point, she said to me:  "Would you please just go and get Ike," and I was so shocked that I stood there without saying anything - I think without breathing - for I don't know how long before I finally thought to say, "He's not here right now, Mommy."

I went into the kitchen and cried for a long time.  I'd probably still be crying now, but I got interrupted - by a phone call from David.  He's good to his mother.

I'm not sure what makes the days go well or go badly.  But, in retrospect, I think I should have taken Jeanie's advice yesterday, and just got her out of bed whether she liked it or not.  That's what I did today, and the day went much better.

Both yesterday morning and this morning, when I tried to exercise her feet she said it hurt so badly that she couldn't stand it, and yesterday, I let her rest. She didn't get out of bed all day long.  I think that lying still like that - she wouldn't let me do any exercises.  She fought against them, and that made the pain so much worse.  Anyway, I think that just being immobile like that made the aches worse instead of better.  (I was hoping a little rest would ease the aches.  Didn't happen.)  Today, I got her out of bed and put her on the commode without bothering to ask if she felt like it.  I just did it.  I have to learn to stop asking her things and to just do what I know is right.  If she's anything like I am, she probably doesn't really know what she wants, but as soon as she voices a choice, that is IT.  There is no going back.

Today, I called the doctor and found out that I am allowed to give her up to 3,000 mg of Tylenol on a daily basis.  I've been giving her under 500.  (No wonder she hurts :-(  I was not giving her enough medication to touch the pain.)

The doctor's office is also contacting a physical therapist home visit person to see if we can get someone to give me help and instruct us about how to help Mommy retain her mobility since the Allegheny Agency on the Aging in processing may take several more months.  After she's in-processed, they will provide physical therapy home visits.  (I called about getting something in the interim on Pete's suggestion.)

To make life nicer for both Mommy and me, we took a little bit of a break today and put up the Christmas tree.  She loved it.  And, I did too.  It makes the room so happy.  Maybe it's a little less effort to be happy when there is Christmas tree only a few feet away?

Christmas Tree!

A couple of days ago, Amanda and I decided to ask Mommy if she'd like the Christmas Tree to be in her room.  We asked, and she said she'd like that.  So, we're going with it.

Here's a video of what the tree looks like today after I got it set up and lit up.  Mommy really seems to love looking at it.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Letters from Hannah

Yesterday, a card came from Hannah, and enclosed in the card was a letter from one of Hannah's students.  Mommy LOVED it!  David could understand that.  He said that when he was in Iraq, the soldiers all loved getting mail from students.  This letter was from Joseph, and he wishes for Mommy to have "joy from the angels,"  What a sweet wish!

Yesterday also, Mommy's sister, Bonnie, called, and Mommy was able to use my cellphone by holding it up to her ear without accidentally turning it off, and she could hear pretty well, I think.  So, anytime anyone wants to call, call my number.  It's easier for her to talk with the handset, but it is possible for her to talk without it.  She spoke a few minutes with Aunt Bonnie this morning, too, and her face just lit up like a Christmas tree when she heard Aunt Bonnie's voice.  (I'd called to get her recipe for applesauce.)  I almost didn't think to give the phone to Mommy this morning because she was in a bad mood and was mad at me for changing out bed linens, but after just that short bit of phone call, her mood lifted, and she is so happy now :-).

Frugal living sidetrack . . .

I'm working on being frugal here, and I'm trying to use an entire chicken.  I need help with ideas for what to do with aspic.  Anybody ever done anything with it?  According to Google, it has over 19 grams of protein per 200 grams. That is an AMAZING protein content.

Here's what I've done with the chicken so far.  Of course we ate the meat. Then, I boiled the bones and skin all day yesterday.  Then, I strained out the liquid from that first boiling and let it sit in cold overnight.  This morning, I scraped the fat off the aspic that had set from the liquid (I'll use the fat for baking powder biscuits in a few minutes here).  Now, I'm boiling the bones and bits again today and I'll use what I get from them for a base for homemade dog and cat food.  After that, I'll bake the bones until they are dry and smash them with a hammer for bone meal for my garden.

But, I've got around 2000 grams of aspic so far - and there is more to come as I cook more chickens . . .  Any ideas?

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Perfect Peace

This morning Jeanie called, and during the conversation she mentioned that Aunt Bonnie had shared a Bible verse with her that was a real blessing.  She told me to look it up and repeated the reference a few times.

Then, later when Mommy was pondering over a page in her poetry-prayer book, I asked if I could read it, (sometimes I read the poems and verses out loud to her), and she handed me the book.  This is the page she was looking at.

Coincidence?  I think not!

What a wonderful comfort on a cool, December morning!

Here's Mommy looking at the book.  You can see why her expression would make me curious to know what she was contemplating.  :-)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"Back Brace" magic!

She's absolutely exhausted, but she walked nine steps to the commode and then TWENTY steps to the chair.  She was really pushing herself.  I think that she was just as excited as I was that she was walking.  Of course, I stood behind her with her leaning on me to steady her, and all but for about three seconds I was supporting her full weight, but I did not have to push her feet with my feet to get her to move her feet as I usually do.  And, when she first stood up, and I told her to "feel the floor under your feet," I felt her steady herself and stand by herself.  It only lasted a few seconds, but it was amazing.  

However, I let her (maybe even encouraged her) to overexert herself, and she threw-up a little of her breakfast just after this photo was taken.  You can see, just looking at her, how tired she is.  (Sorry the pic is blurry.  I took this one with my cell phone.)

The twenty steps she walked were probably about four feet of actual floor space, and I had the recliner positioned so I could reach and grab it as soon as she was tired, but I shouldn't have let her walk so far.  She got too tired.  I could have easily grabbed the recliner when she'd done ten steps, and that would have still been an amazing accomplishment!  And, I think she wouldn't have worn herself out so much.

It's hard for me to keep in mind that twenty steps for her is probably the equivalent of me trying to run a half mile.

In both the above picture, (before she was sick) and the below one (just after we got all cleaned up), you can see how the corset is just aiding her own body in sitting straight.  (I call it back brace with her because it's job is to brace her back not reduce her waist).  

Yesterday, I repeatedly asked her - every few hours - if the brace was bothering her at all and if she was ready to take it off, and she kept saying that it was fine, and "maybe we better just leave it."  Last night, we did take it off.  Amanda and I checked her front, back, and sides to make sure the brace wasn't rubbing her wrong anywhere.  It seems to be a perfect fit.  I think that is a miracle from God.  However could my old underbust corset fit her for an overbust back brace?  It's too impossible to not be a miracle. 

She's so proud of herself in the above picture!  She sits like a queen, and I really feel a difference in her demeanor.  Maybe it's like when you do power posing before job interviews?  It gets some hormone or something working.  Maybe sitting up straight gives a person confidence?  I don't know.

I can't believe that this corset fits her perfectly.  I don't even think it's at all necessary to make her a new one.

She dozed off in the recliner soon after I took this picture.  She's leaned back and Jeanie's neck pillow is supporting her head. I tried to wake her up for some lunch about fifteen minutes ago.  She won't wake up.  I think that her sleep schedule is pretty settled in for a long afternoon nap - sleeping very soundly - after breakfast and before lunch.

Monday, December 1, 2014

A Letter from Chelle!

If my camera would have snapped a half-second before this, you could have seen a lovely, lovely smile.  But, the tail end of a lovely smile is still beautiful!

I swear, I thought her eyes were twinkling!

"This work seemed to overtax my abilities. I was also afraid that I was sitting in judgement on the work of someone else. As doubt and anxiety disturbed my spirit, it occurred to me that love could substitute for my abilities, which are limited by ignorance, and that it might be better to be a laughing stock in front of people than to succumb to the danger of being disobedient." - Monk Theoderic (on his task of completing the story of Hildegard of Bingen begun by Monk Gottfried, who had left it unfinished). How much I need this today! And, how much I must take this to heart!

This morning as I was getting Mommy out of bed, I was so encouraged by her neck being straight and not twisted all out of shape because I'd done the right thing. So, I decided to do something really bold. I put one of my old corsets on her before I tried to stand her up. It is not even really tight, just snug to help her hold her own core muscles in, and praise God, she stood for a count of ten, and then walked using the walker a few steps. Granted I was holding her up and I moved her feet forward, and granted she said, "I CAN'T DO THIS! AND practically fell over onto the commode once we got to it, but we did it together, and that is something that has not been possible for the last few days - even with Amanda's help, that is Amanda on one side and me behind Mommy, Mommy's mobility has just been melting away - frighteningly! But, today, just the two of us, Mommy and me (with a little help from our corsets), stood and walked together.

I guess as I put on my own corset this morning, knowing that without it, I could throw out my back lifting Mommy, it occurred to me that she needed support too, and maybe if she just has a little help - like I need- that she'd be able to support herself better. It worked.

As I was contemplating it, I asked the picture of Francelia Hall if it was a good idea, and I swear it seemed like her eyes were twinkling. (You all may think I'm crazy, but I will admit that I do talk to photographs, And, I'm not even into old-timers yet.)

(A few minutes later) I just went in and helped Mommy into her recliner. SHE WALKED! She moved her own feet without me pushing either the backs of her knees or her feet behind her! (Of course, I was supporting her from behind - she was still too tippy to support herself, BUT SHE MOVED HER OWN FEET!)

After I got her into the recliner, I said: "Mommy do you want to take the back brace off or do you want to leave it on?" And she said, "Might's well leave it on." I checked to make sure that it was pretty loose and not too tight and then I took her picture and asked Stephan to go in there and see if it was my imagination that she seemed so much more comfortable, and he went in and talked to her for a few minutes and says that it isn't my imagination. He and Marjie both suggest that I can measure her to make one that is actually fitted to her body and put handles on it. If this isn't a fluke - that is if it works for a day or so, I'm buying a yard of duck cloth and getting to it!

As you can see, my old corset fits her like a Renaissance over-bust :) Look how straight and proud she's sitting. I feel that I was actually really given a little bit of direction, and I am so happy. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Good Morning!

I've decided to celebrate Mom's life with her today.

I'm amazed at all the happy memories that have been flooding my mind the last few days.  I know that Mommy was the best mother that God could have ever chosen for me.  Just the things I've been thinking of!  She is amazing.

I just went in and asked her if she was ready for her fruit yet, or if she wanted to wait until after I got out of the shower, and she wants to wait.  She is really enjoying her poetry prayer book.  I need to find some more of those.  I think that since they're illustrated, she may actually like them better than the Daily Bread, which hasn't come yet, anyway.