Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A dog named Ralph?

I wonder when Mommy had a dog named Ralph?  Maybe Pete or another one of you knows.  She ordered Scooby from the room a couple days ago with a strong command, "Ralph, you get out of here!"

Wouldn't it be interesting to know "when" she was when she said that.

Just curious.


  1. Maybe Elizabeth had a dog named Ralph... I heard she used to have lots of dogs. When I was little she only had cats. :)

  2. :) don't know, but that is funny!

  3. Didn't dad have a dog named Ralph?

  4. Oh the dog on the muppets is named Ralph!!!!

  5. ha ha ha !!!! I hadn't thought of the muppet's Ralph :-)

    I don't know if he had one named Ralph, but I did remember (after you said that) about a pic of him with a dog, and l found it "Ike and Kelly" :-) We have the dig into this mystery! Who is Ralph? I wonder if he was a dog that mom and dad had together.
