Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Some Hope!

Who'd have thought at this stage of the game that there might be some hope to have Mommy more fully interact with us?

Now, I'm not pipe dreaming that she'll ever be back in full. Even crazy me is more realistic than that, but this study does give some hope that we can do a little something for her to keep her mind a little more clear for a little longer.

Happily, Jeanie had intuitively and through her research done some of the stuff that the doctor in the study prescribed.  (I'm thinking especially of the probiotics, the low-gluten, and the coconut oil.)  That's probably one reason Mom is still doing as well as she is with this horrible disease!

In this study, nine of the ten participants had remarkable reversals in cognitive function.  Since it was only ten people, it is still basically anecdotal, but nine out of ten ain't bad, and I'm willing to change my own lifestyle based on a nine out of ten.  Plus, most of the stuff - except possibly the supplements - are just basic good advice that we all give and get all the time.  e.g. Get enough sleep and exercise.

Here is a link to the study I am talking about, if you are interested, please read it.  It is so amazing.  Click Here.

For me, I'm incorporating as much of this as I can into my everyday life as I really want to stay around bugging you all - in my full mind - as long as possible.  (After that, I might resort to haunting or sainting - depends on my goodness levels, I suppose - he he he.)

For Mommy, I have to be careful not to give her anything that would interfere with the Xarelto.  But, I am going to start to MAKE her do her exercises.  I've been really lax about that.  I know that is wrong to give in to her about the exercise, but it is so hard for me to make her do something when she doesn't want to.  But I'm learning to do just that.  For example, the moving her (like into the kitchen in her wheelchair or over onto one of her chairs) or for the changing out her bedding, I've gotten really good at just doing those things without really giving her much warning and I don't take no for an answer.  I can change her out in no time at all (I'm going to time it just to see, but I bet its less than four minutes, even with BM).  For the transferring her from her bed to the wheelchair.  It is less than five seconds, once I've got her sitting up on the edge of the bed, I just pick her up and swing her over.  Fast as fast.  I count, and I don't get to ten.  (I count because it seems to distract her.)  But, the other day I said something like, "See, I'm getting really fast at this,"  She replied, "I'm glad you think so."  (You can all imagine her tone - lol)

So, the pic is of Mommy and me making sauerkraut, and sour dough, and drinking kefir.  Mom LOVES the strawberry kefir (as Jeanie says - "it's all the sugar ;) yummy!!"  And, I second that.)  We're going to go all probiotic and sour/sauer  :-)

Should add, that we are watching a really opinionated and cool chiropractor make sauerkraut for us.  (I LOVE this guy ;-) At the end of his class, he gave everybody a high-tech sour foods kit.  It was a mason jar - lol )


  1. Cool!! You know how I love that kind of stuff! Now if I could just get around and do more of it myself!! :)

  2. The sour dough sounds like a good idea!!! The sauerkraut does too! ...I'm not a fan of kefir though. ;)

  3. :-) Chelle, I could barely swallow the kefir that was sugar free. But, the stuff that's packed with sugar, I'm having trouble not downing the entire 400+ calorie bottle. I've got this hope that if I start to drink it with sugar, I'll develop a taste for it without. (Like I have for plain yogurt, but with kefir I fear it is a pipe dream.)

  4. Yeah even I have trouble stomaching plain kefir. I have done it on occasion though. :)
