Monday, November 17, 2014

Chocolate Cake makes everything better

But, if she's won't tolerate the gluten I'm going to pay for it tomorrow.

Jeanie and I have a theory that since Mom has been eating truckloads of yogurt (or thereabouts) that she might not be so sensitive to gluten anymore.  That would explain why she didn't have any adverse reactions the two or three times I accidentally and/or forgetfully gave her gluten.

Why did I decide to go the chocolate cake route?  Mom got very upset with me again today - although she thought I was Marjie (sorry Marjie), and so I was able to be a meanie who made her move from the recliner to the commode so I could change the linens on the recliner and then back again - to a nice clean recliner - without getting any of the blame for it.  Marjie, however, was driving her crazy.  (Sorry Marjie - I drove her crazy in your name.)

But, someone suggested that I give her a box of Little Debbies (or a part of a box, one or two) to make her happy, and since I was already planning to try gluten again after the doctor's appointment, I decided, "what the hay," I'll try today and see if I can make up with her.

I had all the ingredients for "Grandma's Chocolate Cake," and I made it, and I gave her a slice, and then she was all smiles.  The world was good.

Amanda joked that all women's affections can be bought with chocolate.  Maybe she's right.  Take that to heart, Stephan Peters, I do love chocolate, too.

And, if the yogurt has made her better, I'm going to spend some more time making and eating fermented foods.  :-)

In expectation of this, David bought me a head of cabbage today, and I sliced and salted it.  Now, it's turning itself into sauerkraut.

I've got this feeling that Mom won't like that much,but maybe she loves sauerkraut?  I don't remember, and there's only one way to find out.  Lol.  She'll have to taste it.

(Pic above of Mommy was taken with my fancy new camera that I haven't learned how to focus yet.  She's had her cake - eating desert before dinner in a true Bailey fashion - and now she's having sweet potatoes, rice, and some kind of Gerber meat mixture).

Update:  She ate it almost ALL.  YaY!   There is just a little bite or two of sweet potato left on the plate, and Amanda is reading aloud to her.  Everyone is happy.

Additional Update: Amanda just came out to refill mom's juice, and she said that reading a book she hasn't read before to Mom is turning out to be an amazing experience.  Amanda said that usually when you read a book you've already read to yourself aloud, a lot of the fun is in giving the story to someone else, and so you kind of feed off the energy of their enjoyment, however, Grandma can't really follow stories very well, so that doesn't work as well with her.  But, reading this new-to-Amanda and to Grandma story is amazing because Amanda is experiencing it for the first time and Grandma is able to feel that energy and so experience it along with her.  :-)  I'm so glad that Amanda is here and is so brilliant!


  1. Good job... Look at that smile;) I love chocolate, eating dessert first, and reading new books aloud too (but it is usually to the children and not very often cause I am so so busy). Chelle said mom did not like sauerkraut when we had it. But I say it's worth a shot. Look at you...showing me whose iahead of the game by making your sauerkraut first. :P

  2. Ha ha - lets hope that this batch of sauerkraut doesn't get thrown on the compost heap like that last one. I'm good at starting, but really bad at finishing.
